Owner Made boutique poolvilla
poolvilla H

해외여행보다 더 값진 기억을 남겨줄 동해바다,

그곳에 라헨느 풀빌라 H 동이 있습니다.

There is a beautiful pool villa filled with the
East Sea in this dream destination.
The blue ocean out of the window invites you to the OceanPoolVilla,

It is brilliantly transparent indigo sea!!

The blue sea always does us unquietly like a girl.

There is a beautiful pool villa filled
with the East Sea in this dream destination.
The blue ocean out of the window invites you to the OceanPoolVilla,
which is a great place to see and a great value for your trip.
Lahenepoolvilla H
별처럼 빛나는 좋은 순간
Bank. 302-1860-3924-41 농협 이현희
주소 : 강원도 고성군 죽왕면 가진해변길 231 (공현진리 431-39) 업체 : 라헨느 풀빌라 H
사업자번호 : 820-22-01860 통신판매신고번호 : 제 2024-강원고성-0006 호 대표자 : 이현희